Sunday, November 9, 2014

Signs to Check if Your Best Friend is Hitting on Your Boyfriend

#1 She only wants to hang out when you're with him

Women are sneaky, there's no getting around it. Be on the lookout for the BFF who's too "busy" to get together for a mani/pedi date but who comes running when it's "mixed company."

#2 Hair flipping

A woman playing with her hair is a tell-tale sign that she's into someone. If no other men are around but your boyfriend, guess who her sights are on?

#3 She's getting touchy

People touch what they like and want, whether it's a sweater at the store, a cute puppy, or your boyfriend. Keep an eye out for "casual" shoulder or leg touching.

#4 She texts him

Why does she have his number to start with? Have a talk with both of them and nip this in the bud.

#5 She puts you down in front of him

Does it seem like your friend is all smiles and charms when you're alone, but the minute your boyfriend's around she changes? Subtle put downs, even if she's "joking," are a red flag.

#6 She's looking her best

This is the same girl who comes over to your place sans makeup, in yoga pants, with her hair in a ponytail. If she knows your boyfriend's going to be around and comes over looking like a MAC drive by victim, something might be up.

#7 She sits up a little straighter

Not all women are shameless, but you have to watch out for the quiet ones. A friend that fixes her posture, suddenly crosses her legs, or moves her body to face your boyfriend might have something up her sleeve.

#8 She encourages you and your boyfriend to drink

Unless she's usually such a party animal, she may be drinking to loosen everyone's inhibitions to improve her chances (and hope you won't remember).

#9 She puts herself down

Is the girl who's so full of confidence suddenly in need of reassurance when your boyfriend's around? This might be her way of making him compliment her to show him how great she thinks she is.

#10 She tells you

Some women are really blunt. If she flat out tells you she's into your boyfriend, believe her. And dump her STAT.

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